Sunday, August 5, 2012


Hope you have fun reading this!!! Probably have to click "older posts" at the bottom until you get to the first post which I did at the end up April! Might be a little cheesy!! But at least you'll know what I was really thinking the whole time!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Just thinking

I am going to bring you both Birthday cakes and presents.  There are so many things I want to make.  I haven't cooked a single thing in 5 months.  I am afraid I might have forgotten how to cook.  Remember all the cooking we used to do?  That was so fun.  Why do I feel like you died?  Ugh it sucks!

Getting the ring re-sized

As much as I wanted you to have it, I'll always have you with me its beautful.

Last night was tough

I had to commute home on SWA because DAL was full.  I got to the gate and although I recognized the CA, I didn't KNOW him..... BUT HE KNEW YOU!  And of course asked about you.  Its so hard to answer all the questions people ask me.  It ruined my whole day.  I just wanted to sit there and cry my eyes out.  But I didn't.  I responded with what I believe to be the truth...." Ernie is a wonderful man, has a fantastic son, and a great x-wife".  Tried to lighten the mood a bit.  It still broke my heart. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

So sad today

Just so many things that I can't even tell you....... I wonder when I will get off the plane and not look for you. I always thing... "maybe today he'll be here".

Saturday, July 28, 2012

I don't think you'll ever know how much I love you! Maybe one day you will.....
Sometimes I wish I made u take me to the Breakers in Palm
Beach..... You had already given me your debit card number to pay and everything ;-( ugh!